If you’re trying to be more conscious of what you eat but you have a hard time counting calories and scrutinizing what you consume, you may benefit from this list of food swaps. It’s really just a matter of buying the healthier versions but this list is a good place to start.

Instead of bacon, eat lean ham or turkey bacon.

Instead of butter, eat light spread margarines.

Instead of canned cream soups, eat canned broth-based soups.

Instead of chicken or turkey with skin, eat chicken or turkey without skin.

Instead of chocolate or yellow cake, eat angel food cake.

Instead of chocolate chip or sugar cookies, eat fat-free or reduced-fat cookies, like fig bars or graham crackers.

Instead of cream cheese, eat Neufchatel cheese.

Instead of croissants, eat hard French rolls.

Instead of donuts and sweet rolls, eat English muffins or bagels.

Instead of fried chicken, eat baked chicken.

Instead of ice cream, eat sherbet or sorbet.

Instead of oil-packed tuna, eat water-packed tuna

Instead of pasta with cheese sauce, eat pasta with vegetables.

Instead of pasta with white sauce, eat pasta with red sauce.

Instead of pork spareribs, eat pork tenderloin.

Instead of ramen noodles, eat rice noodles.

Instead of sodas, drink smoothies.

Instead of sour cream, eat plain low-fat yogurt.

Instead of whole eggs, eat egg whites or egg substitutes.

Awareness is key when it comes to cooking and eating healthier foods. If you can commit to this thought process, you will develop a new positive habit with great benefits.

Articles | September 18th, 2020